Thursday, April 30, 2015

Summer Tanager and Bullock's Orioles Today - April 30. 2015

The migration is still really slow and temps rising into the 70s today. I guess the winds are too strong from the west to allow a good movement of migrants.

That said today was a good way to end the month of April with a couple year birds for Santa Fe County, NM. A female SUMMER TANAGER at Galisteo was a surprise and the pair of BULLOCK"S ORIOLES just after dawn at Lamy was much needed eye-candy! The only warblers today were scattered YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS and single COMMON YELLOWTHROATS at Galisteo and Wildlife Way Pond (west side of Santa Fe). PLUMBEOUS VIREOS were singing loudly in the Galisteo Creek bottom. 

Female Summer Tanager, or is it? Can you see a hint of red around the vent or head?

Plumbeous Vireo at Galisteo
By late morning it was warm and windy so I headed over to the west side of Santa Fe to check out a few of the ponds. The female BELTED KINGFISHER was still at Marty Sanchez Golf Course along with a pair of GREEN-WINGED TEAL, and a show-off YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD. The WESTERN and CASSIN'S KINGBIRDS were very noisy as they went about their business. 

There is a small pond with cattails on the New Mexico State Game and Fish Headquarters and I've added it to my routine. My efforts were paid off today with fair looks (terrible pics) of a SORA and a male YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER. 

Terrible pic of Sora at Wildlife Way Pond

The introduced American Bullfrog, which is bad news for native wildlife!
A further up the road at Las Campanas I was stunned to see that the pair of WESTERN GREBES were still there along with a SNOWY EGRET. The ducks have mostly moved out, but there were still NORTHERN SHOVELERS, GADWALL, MALLARDS, GREEN-WINGED and BLUE-WINGED TEAL, and AMERICAN WIGEON. 

Lingering Western Grebes at Las Campanas
The two year birds bring my 2015 Santa Fe County total to 169. 

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