Thursday, November 13, 2014

Very late record for Baird's Sandpiper at Laguna del Perro - Torrance County, 11-11-14S

Had great success at one of the salt lakes that you can see from along US 60 in Torrance County, NM.   There was a nice flock of ducks of which Bufflehead, Lesser Scaup, and Canvasback were county birds (bringing both my year list and life list in Torrance to 165). 

The bird of the day, however, was an extremely late Baird's Sandpiper. I was able to get some fair pics of it both feeding and in flight showing the black bill and legs, grayish-brown back with a bit of scaling, stout longish bill, and dark center tail stripe with lighter outer tail feathers.

This bird had an injured leg that left it hobbling around as it fed and which dangled when it flew.

Showing brown pattern on breast

Weak supercilium and stout longish black bill

Distinctive tail pattern

Tail pattern and injured leg

Showing weakish white wing stripe

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