Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Franklin's Gulls and Vesper Sparrows in Southern Santa Fe County - 3-31-14

I was cruising the agricultural fields the other day and came across these two Franklin's Gulls. They are so elequent in breeding plumage! They were hanging out with a Ring-billed Gull, also handsome, but not quite up to snuff with the Franklin's :-)

The Killdeer are returning in big numbers also, so I included a shot of one hanging out "with" the gulls.

Other interesting arrivals last week were good numbers of both Vesper, Savannah, and Lincoln's Sparrows and lots of Say's Phoebes. I actually had a Lincoln's Sparrow in my yard yesterday (April 1st).

Franklin's Gull

Franklin's Gull

Franklin's Gull

Franklin's Gull (showing white spots on ends of primaries)
Ring-billed Gull (sorry not a great image)

Franklin's Gulls (pretty far away)

Vesper Sparrow

Vesper Sparrow

Vesper Sparrow

Vesper Sparrow

Vesper Sparrow showing white outer tail feathers

Vesper flying showing white tail outer feathers and blackish tail

Lincoln's Sparrow in yard on April 1st

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