Monday, February 3, 2014

Mew and California Gull at Alameda Open Space in Albuquerque - 2-2-14

Adult California Gull.

Note darker mantle and larger size than ring-billeds, and  both red and black markings on bill.  This is at the Alameda Open Space on the Rio Grande River in Albuquerque. I did not get a picture of the adult Mew Gull. It was nestled in the middle of a large flock of ring-billeds. It is smaller and has a small all yellow bill and dark eye. 

Pied-billed Grebe at Alameda Open Space in Albuquerque
Pair of Wood Ducks at Alameda Open Space, Albuquerque

These were two of over ONE-HUNDRED Wood Ducks on a pond, which has a three wonder

Canada Goose early in morning at Alameda Open Space.

Pygmy Nuthatch near downtown Albuquerque

After seeing the Mew Gull I drove over to a Marriott Hotel (near downtown) where a Pine Warbler had been seen the day before. Despite spending over two hours, and despite the warbler having been seen that morning, I managed to miss it. However, I did get some interesting pics of this out-of-place Pygmy Nuthatch, including this one of it eating a pinyon  pine nut!

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