Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bird tour of Harding County, NM - Mountain Bluebirds, Ferruginous Hawk, White-throated Swifts and Elk and Antelopes!

Spent all day in Harding County yesterday, 02-24-14 with John Vanderhagen. On the way over there we were treated to small herds of both Pronghorns and Elk (Mora County).

We arrived at the beautiful Mills Canyon at 7:30 a.m. The birding was quiet as we are still experiencing spring-like conditions and it got warm quickly as the sun rose.

Except for Lincoln's Sparrows (2) and a single Rock Wren we didn't see anything unusual along the river. However, on the climb out I was surprised to see a group of 5 White-throated Swifts cruising over the rock clifts. They tend to show up a bit early, but late February is early by a few weeks.

John enjoyed watching a Ferruginous Hawk near Roy and there was a Say's Phoebe in the town. The star of the day were the nearly 200 Mountain Bluebirds we observed. It was a spectacular show. Interestingly there wasn't a single one to be seen just a week before.

We cruised over to Conchitas Lake and saw a couple Loggerhead Shrikes along the way. The number of ducks picked up from last week too and there was a large mixed flock of Canvasbacks, Redheads, Lesser Scaup, Ruddy Duck, American Wigeon, Gadwall, Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal, Amercian Merganser, American Coot, Canada Goose, Cackling Goose, and Mallards.

My Harding County bird list, after two trips now, stands at 60 - not a bad start.

Antelope on the run

Male Antelope catching up with others

Group of Elk checking me out!

Elk on the move

Male Elk looking regal

Male Elk calling after the others

Female Canvasback

Loggerhead Shrike

Male Mountain Bluebird in all his spring brilliance

White-throated Swift above Mills Canyon in Harding County - first February record

Mills Canyon Road and view of both Rockies and Canadian River Gorge!

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