Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Northern Shrike, California Gulls, and Mexican Duck! Santa Fe and Bernalillo Counties NM 12-09-13

Winter California gull at the Alameda Bridge (Rio Grande River) in Albuquerque, NM

Winter California gull at the Alameda Bridge (Rio Grande River) in Albuquerque, NM

Female Mexican mallard duck at the Alameda Bridge (Rio Grande River) in Albuquerque, NM

Northern shrike near Lamy, Santa Fe County NM

Had business in Albuquerque today so I took a leisurely round about route south from Santa Fe through the farm fields in the southern part of the county and then over to the Alameda Bridge in Albuquerque, where two California gulls had been reported.
The agricultural fields were had significantly less activity than yesterday with only a fraction of the horned larks seen. Still no longspurs, but I did find this splendid northern shrike just a few miles from my house. This bird was along US 285 near Lamy, Santa Fe County, NM.
Mexican Ducks seem to be increasing in New Mexico and there was a male in Santa Fe County (near Galisteo) for nearly two weeks this past September/October 2013. The bird pictured above certainly could be a hybrid with a mallard (what isn't :-) ), but it has a pure yellow bill, a heavily streaked cap and fine streaking on the neck and breast. It also had bluish green speculums when it flew. So therefore I'll call it a Mexican duck...for now.
Besides the pics of the two California gulls above there was one other adult and possibly an immature bird, but it flew before I could observe it long enough, and I do not claim to be an expert of "western" gulls!

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