Sunday, December 28, 2008

Jacksonville, FL Christmas Bird Count 2008

Jacksonville, Florida Christmas Bird Count, Black Hammock Island
December 27, 2008
Participants: Roger Clark, Bruce Smart, Jeff Bledsoe, and Kevin and Marie Dailey
Area: Black Hammock Island (also, Industrial Drive, Tidewater development, Heckscher Drive Spoil site, New Berlin Road pond)
Nocturnal Time Birding: 06:30 to 07:00
Day Time Birding: 0700 to 17:30
Total Birding Hours: 11 hours
Nocturnal Hours: car - 0; foot – 30 minutes
Daylight Hours: car – 2.0; foot – 8.5
Miles Car Nocturnal: 0
Miles Car Daylight: 75
Miles Foot Nocturnal: .50
Miles Foot Daylight: 5.50

Grand Totals:
Day foot and car hours – 10.5
Day foot and car miles – 80.50
Nocturnal foot and car hours – 30 minutes
Nocturnal foot and car miles – .5 mile

Weather: dense fog until 0800, calm winds until mid-morning, becoming southerly 5-12 mph; low 58, high 81 (near record for date!); clear to partly cloudy.

No-see-ums: off the charts!!

Places visited:
BS – Black Hammock Island, Shark Road
CC – City of Jacksonville’s Cedar Point Park
CP – National Park Service’s Cedar Point
IP – Industrial Park
NP – New Berlin Road Pond (across from Power Plant)
PH – Pumpkin Hill Creek State Preserve
SB – Spoil dredge site on Black Hammock Island
SH – Spoil dredge site on Heckscher Drive
TP – Tiger Point Park
TW – Tidewater development

Bird List:
Canada Goose – 38
American Black Duck – 2 SH
Mallard – 2
Mottled Duck – 2 SH
Blue-winged teal – 6 SB SH
Northern shoveler – 5 SH
Northern Pintail – 5 SH
Green-winged teal – 28 SB SH
Ring-necked duck – 74 TW (44) SH IP
Lesser scaup – 2 SH
Bufflehead – 1 CC
Hooded merganser – 58
Red-breasted merganser – 1 Nassau Sound
Ruddy duck – 18 IP SH
Red-throated loon – 1 NP
Pied-billed grebe – 9
Northern gannet – 2 Nassau Sound
American white pelican – 10 BS (seen count week)
Brown pelican – 26
Double-crested cormorant – 3
Anhinga – 2
Great blue heron – 7
Great egret – 19
Snowy egret – 45
Little blue heron – 83
Tricolored heron – 105
Reddish egret – 1 near Tiger Point
Cattle egret – 2
Black-crowned Night-Heron – 4
White ibis – 35
Wood stork – 14
Black vulture – 25
Turkey vulture – 30
Osprey – 3
Bald eagle – 5, 3 adults and 2 juv.
Northern harrier - 3
Cooper’s hawk – 1 (seen count week)
Sharp-shinned Hawk – 1
Red-shouldered hawk – 1
Red-tailed hawk – 4
American kestrel – 6
Peregrine falcon – 1 Nassau Sound
Clapper rail – 3
Virginia rail – 1 near Tiger Point
Common moorhen – 6
American coot – 22
Black-bellied plover – 12
Semipalmated plover – 4
Killdeer – 10
Greater yellowlegs – 11
Willet - 14
Spotted sandpiper – 1
Ruddy turnstone – 5
Sanderling – 6
Western sandpiper – 12
Least sandpiper – 2
Dunlin – 115
Short-billed Dowitcher – 4
Long-billed Dowitcher – 7 SH
Wilson’s snipe – 32 TW SH
American woodcock TP
Laughing gull – 25
Ring-billed gull – 14
Herring gull – 8
Great Black-backed gull – 2
Caspian tern – 1
Forster’s tern – 11
Royal tern – 10
Eurasian collared dove – 5
Mourning dove – 20
Common ground-dove – 9 mostly at PH, many calling
Eastern screech-owl – 2, calling on their own!
Great horned owl – 3
Barred owl – 2
Belted kingfisher – 3
Red-bellied woodpecker – 4
Yellow-bellied sapsucker – 1
Downy woodpecker – 4
Northern flicker – 1
Pileated woodpecker - 2
Eastern phoebe – 4
Loggerhead shrike – 2
White-eyed vireo – 2
Blue-headed vireo – 13 (9 at CP)
Blue jay – 16
American crow – 15
Fish crow – 7
Tree swallow – 51
Carolina chickadee – 10
Tufted titmouse – 45
Brown-headed nuthatch 6 PH
Carolina wren – 4
House wren – 32, most at PH
Sedge wren – 1, singing near Tiger Point
Marsh wren – 2, singing near Tiger Point
Ruby-crowned kinglet – 57
Blue-gray gnatcatcher – 16
Eastern Bluebird – 17
Hermit thrush – 11
American robin – 365
Gray catbird – 95, remarkable numbers at PH
Northern mockingbird – 12
Brown thrasher – 5
European starling – 4
American pipit – 8, reliable spot at corner of Franderson and Shark Road on Black Hammock
Cedar waxwing – 55
Orange-crowned warbler – 13
Northern Parula – 1 male at CP
Yellow-rumped warbler – 350
Yellow-throated warbler – 1
Pine warbler – 45
Palm warbler – 78, large flock of “yellow” eastern race at TW
Black-and-white warbler – 2
Common yellowthroat – 17
Eastern towhee – 134, teaming at PH, both races, white and dark eyed
Chipping sparrow – 65
Field sparrow – 1 PH
Savannah sparrow – 9
Grasshopper sparrow – 1 PH (seen count week)
Nelson’s sharp-tailed sparrow – 9 BS
Saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrow – 2 BS
Seaside Sparrow – 5, calling near Tiger Point
Song sparrow – 21
Swamp sparrow – 51
White-throated sparrow – 26 nice numbers at PH, many doing partial songs
White-crowned sparrow – 2 PH
Northern cardinal – 18
Red-winged blackbird – 22
Eastern meadowlark – 18, most at TW
Common grackle - 12
Boat-tailed grackle – 20
Brown-headed cowbird – 6
House finch – 5
American goldfinch – 43

This year’s addition of Black Duck and Northern Parula brings all time list for Black Hammock to 175. This was my 23rd time doing this area.

The total of 131 species (3 not seen on count day) breaks my previous all-time high by 3 species!
The overall total for the 2008 Jacksonville Count was an impressive 163!

Roger Clark

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally! I've been waiting for this! Mike and I are impressed. Will we see an AK 2009 list next fall?!