Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cumberland Island, GA Christmas Bird Count 2008

The Cumberland Island Christmas Bird Count was held on Saturday, December 20, 2008. My area is the mainland within the count circle. Here is the bird list for my area - a total of 117 species!

Participants: Roger Clark and Bruce Smart
Area: Mainland; Paper Mill to North Causeway to Crooked River SP
Nocturnal Time Birding: 0530 to 0715; 1730 to 1815 (2.50 hours)
Day Time Birding: 0715 to 1730; (10.25 hours)
Total Birding Hours: 12.75
Nocturnal Hours: car - .75; foot – 1.75
Daylight Hours: car – 2.0; foot – 8.25
Miles Car Nocturnal: 25 (41,232 to 41,257)
Miles Car Daylight: 77 (41,257 to 41,334)
Miles Foot Nocturnal: .50
Miles Foot Daylight: 3.25

Grand Totals:
Day foot and car hours – 10.25
Day foot and car miles – 80.25
Nocturnal foot and car hours – 2.50
Nocturnal foot and car miles – 25.50

Places visited:

CP – Crooked River Plantation
CR – Crooked River State Park
IP – Industrial Park
NC – North Causeway
PM – Paper Mill (now the former, site in ruins)
SM – Sugar Mill Park
WP – Water Treatment Plant

Bird List:
Blue-winged teal – 17
Northern shoveler – 3
Green-winged teal – 4
Ring-necked duck – 10
Lesser scaup – 2
Bufflehead – 1
Hooded merganser – 15
Red-breasted merganser – 2
Ruddy duck – 1
Pied-billed grebe – 2
American white pelican – 1 PM
Brown pelican – 20
Double-crested cormorant – 95
Anhinga – 2 NC
Great blue heron – 8
Great egret – 50
Snowy egret – 75
Little blue heron – 75
Tricolored heron – 135
Black-crowned Night-Heron – 1 (noc)
White ibis – 60
Wood stork – 4 (3 CP, 1 PM)
Black vulture – 7
Turkey vulture – 45
Osprey – 1
Cooper’s hawk – 1 NC
Red-shouldered hawk – 1
Red-tailed hawk – 3
American kestrel – 4
Clapper rail – 1
Common moorhen – 2
American coot – 4
Black-bellied plover – 10
Semipalmated plover – 30
Killdeer – 7
Spotted sandpiper – 2
Greater yellowlegs – 2
Willet – 5
Ruddy turnstone – 2
Sanderling – 4
Western sandpiper – 30
Least sandpiper – 6
Dunlin – 10
Short-billed Dowitcher – 6
Wilson’s snipe – 2
Laughing gull – 85
Ring-billed gull – 65
Herring gull – 4
Great Black-backed gull – 1
Caspian tern – 3 PM
Forster’s tern – 20
Royal tern – 15
Rock pigeon – 85
Eurasian collared dove – 70 (18 CP, 52 PM)
Mourning dove – 40
Eastern screech-owl – 2 (noc)
Great horned owl – 6
Barred owl – 5 (2 SM, 3 NC - noc)
Belted kingfisher – 2
Red-bellied woodpecker – 8
Yellow-bellied sapsucker – 1
Downy woodpecker – 2
Northern flicker – 2 PM
Eastern phoebe – 3
Loggerhead shrike – 8 (2 PM, 2 NC, 1 WP, 1 IP, 1 near CP)
White-eyed vireo – 1
Blue-headed vireo – 1
Blue jay – 19
American crow – 15
Fish crow – 3
Tree swallow – 1,200
Carolina chickadee – 2
Tufted titmouse – 3
Brown-headed Nuthatch 8 (these were on base near the Trident Golf Course)
Carolina wren – 10
House wren – 3
Sedge wren – 1 PM
Marsh wren – 3
Ruby-crowned kinglet – 15
Blue-gray gnatcatcher – 3 PM
Eastern Bluebird – 17 scattered many places
Hermit thrush – 3
American robin – 49
Gray catbird – 9
Brown thrasher – 1 PM
European starling – 35
American pipit – 7 WP
Cedar waxwing – 30
Orange-crowned warbler – 2
Yellow-rumped warbler – 750
Yellow-throated warbler – 1 CR (visitor center parking lot)
Pine warbler – 6
Palm warbler – 10
Black-and-white warbler – 1
Common yellowthroat – 2
Eastern towhee – 3
Chipping sparrow – 95
Field sparrow – 1 PM
Vesper sparrow – 16 (1 PM, 15 IP)
Savannah sparrow – 30
Nelson’s sharp-tailed sparrow – 4 PM
Saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrow – 2 PM
Seaside Sparrow – 1
Song sparrow – 12
Swamp sparrow – 35
White-throated sparrow – 4 PM
Northern cardinal – 15
Red-winged blackbird – 45
Eastern meadowlark – 5 PM
Rusty blackbird – 7 PM
Boat-tailed grackle – 175
Brown-headed cowbird – 4
Baltimore oriole – 1 PM
House finch – 35 PM
American goldfinch – 70
House sparrow - 7

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