Friday, August 28, 2015

Migrants Arriving at Trout Stalker Ranch, Boreal Owl in San Juan Mtns and Mountain Plovers August 21-23, 2015

  1. Ross's Goose - 1 (3/28/15)
  2. Canada Goose - 77 (2/10/15)
  3. Gadwall - 6 (3/28/15)
  4. American Wigeon - 1 (8/21/15)
  5. Mallard - 20 (2/10/15)
  6. Blue-winged Teal - 2 (8/19/15
  7. Cinnamon Teal - 8 (5/3/15)
  8. Northern Shoveler - 4  (3/28/15)
  9. Green-winged Teal - 9 (3/19/15)
  10. Ring-necked Duck - 13 (2/16/15)
  11. Bufflehead - 2 (3/18/15)
  12. Common Goldeneye - 7 (2/17/15)
  13. Hooded Merganser - 4 (4/19/15)
  14. Common Merganser - 16 (2/16/15) 
  15. Ruddy Duck - 3 (5/3/15)
  16. Wild Turkey - 14  (3/9/15)
  17. Pied-billed Grebe - 10 (3/28/15)
  18. Eared Grebe - 2 (5/14/15)
  19. Great Blue Heron - 12 (3/9/15)
  20. Black-crowned Night-Heron - 2 (6/26/15)
  21. White-face Ibis - 7 (5/28/15)
  22. Turkey Vulture - 17 (3/28/15)
  23. Osprey - 5 (5/14/15)
  24. Golden Eagle - 2  (4/19/15)
  25. Sharp-shinned hawk - 1 (5/14/15)
  26. Bald Eagle - 7 (2/10/15)
  27. Red-tailed Hawk - 5 (2/10/15)
  28. Virginia Rail - 5 (5/3/15)
  29. Sora - 4 (5/3/15)
  30. American Coot - 16 (3/28/15)
  31. Killdeer - 7 (2/17/15)
  32. Spotted Sandpiper - 1 (5/3/15)
  33. Solitary Sandpiper - 1 (4/19/15)
  34. Wilson's Snipe - 5  (3/28/15)
  35. Ring-billed Gull - 1 (3/18/15)
  36. Rock Pigeon - 4  (3/9/15)
  37. Eurasian Collared-Dove - 2 (2/16/15)
  38. White-winged Dove - 2  (3/15/15)
  39. Mourning Dove - 30 (4/19/15)
  40. Great Horned Owl - 5  (3/18/15)
  41. White-throated Swift - 1 (5/14/15)
  42. Black-chinned Hummingbird - 8 (5/3/15)
  43. Broad-tailed Hummingbird - 15 (5/3/15)
  44. Rufous Hummingbird - 5 (8/19/15)
  45. Belted Kingfisher - 2  (5/3/15)
  46. Lewis's Woodpecker - 15 (2/10/15)
  47. Williamson's Sapsucker - 1 (6/8/15)
  48. Red-naped Sapsucker - 3  (3/15/15)
  49. Downy Woodpecker - 1 (3/9/15)
  50. Hairy Woodpecker - 1 (8/19/15)
  51. Northern Flicker - 11  (2/16/15)
  52. American Kestrel - 4  (3/19/15)
  53. Peregrine Falcon - 2 (5/14/15)
  54. Western Wood-Pewee - 6 (5/24/15)
  55. Willow Flycatcher - 2 (8/19/15)
  56. Gray Flycatcher - 1 (5/14/15)
  57. Cordilleran Flycatcher - 4 (6/8/15) 
  58. Black Phoebe - 2 (5/28/15)
  59. Say's Phoebe - 4 (3/9/15)
  60. Western Kingbird - 2 (5/28/15)
  61. Plumbeous Vireo - 2 (5/14/15)
  62. Cassin's Vireo - 1 (8/19/15)
  63. Warbling Vireo - 6 (5/28/15)
  64. Pinyon Jay - 6 (3/9/15)
  65. Steller's Jay - 6 (3/9/15)
  66. Western Scrub-Jay - 6  2/10/15)
  67. Black-billed Magpie - 35 (2/10/15)
  68. Clark's Nutcracker - 3  (3/16/15)
  69. American Crow - 12 (2/10/15)
  70. Common Raven - 25 (2/10/15)
  71. Horned Lark - 4  (3/15/15)
  72. Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 6 (5/3/15)
  73. Tree Swallow - 85 (3/28/15)
  74. Violet-green Swallow - 20  (5/3/15)
  75. Bank Swallow - 5 (5/14/15)
  76. Barn Swallow - 12  (5/3/15)
  77. Cliff Swalow - 4 (5/24/15)
  78. Black-capped Chickadee - 9 (2/10/15)
  79. Mountain Chickadee - 3 (3/15/15)
  80. White-breasted Nuthatch - 7 (2/10/15)
  81. Brown Creeper - 3  (3/9/15)
  82. Rock Wren - 2 (4/19/15)
  83. House Wren - 9  (4/19/15)
  84. Bewick's Wren - 2 (5/24/15)
  85. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 4 (5/3/15)
  86. American Dipper - 4 (2/10/15)
  87. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2 (3/15/15)
  88. Western Bluebird - 8  (2/16/15)
  89. Mountain Bluebird - 10 (2/16/15)
  90. Townsend's Solitaire - 4 (2/16/15)
  91. Hermit Thrush - 1 (5/24/15)
  92. American Robin - 16 (2/10/15)
  93. Gray catbird - 5 (5/24/15)
  94. European Starling - 12 (2/16/15)
  95. American Pipit - 3 (4/19/15)
  96. Cedar Waxwing - 2 (6/26/15)
  97. Orange-crowned Warbler - 6 (5/3/15)
  98. Virginia's Warbler - 2 (5/14/15)
  99. McGilllivray's Warbler - 4 (6/8/15)
  100. Common Yellowthroat - 2 (4/19/15)
  101. Yellow Warbler - 14  (5/3/15)
  102. Yellow-rumped Warbler - 15 (3/28/15)
  103. Wilson's Warbler - 4 (5/14/15)
  104. American Tree Sparrow - 14 (2/10/15)
  105. Chipping Sparrow - 40 (5/3/15)
  106. Field Sparrow - 1 (4/19/15)
  107. Lark Sparrow - 5 (5/24/15)
  108. Dark-eyed Junco - 16 (2/10/15)
  109. White-crowned Sparrow - 6 (4/19/15)
  110. Harris's Sparrow - 2 (2/10/15)
  111. Vesper Sparrow - 6 (4/19/15)
  112. Savannah Sparrow - 4 (4/19/15)
  113. Song Sparrow - 16 (2/16/15)
  114. Lincoln's Sparrow - 2 (4/19/15)
  115. Green-tailed Towhee - 1 (5/14/15)
  116. Spotted Towhee - 5 (3/19/15)
  117. Western Tanager - 7 (5/24/15)
  118. Black-headed grosbeak - 5 (5/14/15)
  119. Lazuli Bunting - 1 (8/19/15)
  120. Red-winged Blackbird - 37 (2/10/15)
  121. Western Meadowlark - 7 (3/18/15)
  122. Yellow-headed Blackbird - 9 (4/19/15)
  123. Brewer's Blackbird - 8 (3/28/15)
  124. Common Grackle - 5 (5/14/15)
  125. Great-tailed Grackle - 7 (3/18/15)
  126. Brown-headed Cowbird - 6 (5/3/15)
  127. Bullock's Oriole - 6 (5/14/15)
  128. Pine Grosbeak - 1 (2/17/15)
  129. House Finch - 3  (5/3/15)
  130. Cassin's Finch - 14 (2/17/15)
  131. Pine Siskin - 49 (2/17/15)
  132. Lesser Goldfinch - 15 (5/3/15)
  133. American Goldfinch - 10 (3/9/15)
  134. Evening Grosbeak - 20 (3/9/15)
  135. House Sparrow - 3 (2/16/15)
The number following the species is the aggregate number of that particular species seen (without repeat counting) between February 10 - August 23, 2015. Species in bold represent a bird that is either rare and/or was seen in unusually high numbers. The date following each species represents the first sighting.


Unknown said...

We're seeing the migration activity pick up in NorCal! Winter is coming ...

Olaf Danielson said...


drop me an email,
I have a question for you on something local

Olaf Danielson