Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sagebrush Sparrow, Barn Owl, Long-billed Curlews, longspurs, raptors and much more! 10-29-14 Torrance County

I posted the first county record of Dunlins in Torrance County, NM yesterday, but there was so much more!!

I spent several hours cruising the incredible farmlands of eastern Torrance County and had an amazing day. I've been hammering the ag fields of southern Santa Fe County, but I got spoiled yesterday because it was sooooo birdy!

Here are just a few of the highlights from yesterday: Ferruginous Hawk - 12, Red-tailed Hawk - 4, Prairie Falcon - 2, American Kestrel - 6, Loggerhead Shrike - 9, American Pipit - 8, McCown's Longspur - 9, Chestnut-collared Longspur - 30, Sandhill Crane - 1,150, Sagebrush Sparrow - 1, Wood Duck - 1, Long-billed Curlew - 14, Green-winged Teal - 5, Ruddy Duck - 6, Mountain Bluebird - 5, Curve-billed Thrasher - 2, Western Grebe - 2, Chihuahuan Raven - 24, Say's Phoebe - 1, Western Meadowlark - 47, Barn Owl - 1, Great-tailed Grackle - 2, and Brewer's Blackbird - 2.

Sagebrush Sparrow

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes migrating
Prairie Falcon

Prairie Falcon
Dark morph Ferruginous Hawk
Dark morph Ferruginous Hawk

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