Saturday, January 17, 2009

Glaucous Gull, Red-headed Woodpecker Duval County Florida - January 17, 2009

Birded 08:00 to 16:00 with Kevin Dailey; Skies: clear; Temp: 34 to 54 degrees; Wind: north-northeast 7 to 18 mph. The total of 99 species is a worthy effort on this the coldest and windiest day in a long time!

Canada Goose - 12
Mallard - 2
Ring-necked duck – 75
Bufflehead - 1
Hooded merganser – 5
Red-breasted merganser – 16
Ruddy Duck – 8
Common Loon – 1, Huguenot, year bird
Pied-billed grebe – 2
Horned grebe – 4
Northern Gannet - 125
American white pelican – 5, Blue Cypress flyovers
Brown pelican – 30
Double-crested cormorant – 55
Anhinga – 1
Great Blue Heron – 4
Great egret – 18
Snowy egret – 25
Little blue heron – 7
Tricolored heron – 2
Cattle egret – 6
Wood Stork - 6
Black vulture – 20
Turkey vulture – 15
Osprey – 9
Sharp-shinned Hawk – 1
Red-shouldered hawk – 1
Red-tailed Hawk – 1
American Kestrel – 2
Common Moorhen – 1
American Coot – 80
Black-bellied plover – 12
Wilson’s Plover – 15, Huguenot, year bird
Semipalmated plover – 40
Piping Plover – 8, Huguenot, year bird
Killdeer – 5
Willet – 15
Spotted Sandpiper – 1
Ruddy turnstone – 25
Red knot – 42, Huguenot
Sanderling – 60
Western Sandpiper – 6
Dunlin – 270
Short-billed Dowitcher – 35
Laughing gull – 150
Bonaparte’s gull – 34, Huguenot
Ring-billed gull – 40
Herring gull – 75
Lesser Black-backed Gull – 2, Huguenot
Glaucous Gull – 1, first winter at Huguenot, year bird
Great black-backed gull – 8
Royal tern – 15
Forster’s tern – 125
Black skimmer – 1!
Rock pigeon – 15, year bird
Eurasian collared-dove – 4
Mourning Dove – 35
Belted kingfisher – 5
Red-headed Woodpecker – 1 adult male at Blue Cypress, year bird
Red-bellied woodpecker – 6
Yellow-bellied sapsucker – 2
Downy woodpecker – 5
Northern Flicker – 3, Blue Cypress, year bird
Eastern phoebe – 4
Blue-headed vireo – one very photogenic bird at Blue Cypress!
Blue jay – 2
American crow – 12
Fish crow – 55
Tree swallow – 10
Carolina chickadee - 2
Tufted titmouse – 6
Carolina wren – 6
House wren – 2
Ruby-crowned kinglet – 10
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – 2, Blue Cypress
Hermit Thrush – 1
Gray Catbird – 10
Northern Mockingbird – 9
Brown Thrasher – 1, Blue Cypress, year bird
European starling – 50
Cedar waxwing – 9
Orange-crowned Warbler – 5
Yellow-rumped Warbler – 40
Yellow-throated Warbler – 2
Pine Warbler – 4
Palm Warbler – 10
Black-and-white Warbler – 1
Common yellowthroat – 1
Eastern towhee – 8
Chipping sparrow – 10
Savannah sparrow – 7
Song sparrow – 1
Swamp sparrow – 4
White-throated sparrow – 9, Blue Cypress
Northern Cardinal – 7
Red-winged Blackbird – 10
Boat-tailed Grackle – 15
American Goldfinch – 9
House Sparrow – 6, year bird

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